Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Well, you know that you haven't done a blog post for a REALLY long time when you forget your password, have to have it reset, and your friends remember the last time you posted, but you have forgotten.

In looking back at this, I think that I got really depressed after little Otto died. It was really tragic for the entire family. Surprisingly the kids have bounced back from it, however Carl and I are still deeply saddened. We are considering getting another Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, from the same breeder. She artificially inseminates (sp?) her females and always delivers by c-section. She "bred" her female Riggs on Sunday the 18th of January again. So, we will find out if Riggs is pregnant at the end of February, she will be due on March 18th and the puppies will be able to go home about May 18th. So, we'll see. Riggs could have not taken, could have all girls, who knows. We will keep you updated on that. No puppy can replace Otto, however going back to the same mom, will get us close.

Now, we had a great first Kentucky Christmas, in Utah. Carl ended up with 16 consecutive days off, gas was only 1.50 per gallon, so off we went. It is 1700 miles, and we drove straight. It took us 28 1/2 hours to get there and only 24 1/4 hours to get home. On the way home, we didn't even turn the car off once. The kids were amazing, and so was Fritz. Fritz sat on the seat next to Emma, and that helped her because she needed to keep track of him and make sure he was always sitting or laying down. It is a good thing that Fritz will go potty on demand.

Over Christmas break, I taught Emma how to snow ski on the same mountain I learned and the same one I taught James on. That was really wonderful! She is going to be a great skiier, she still has to have her edgie-wedgie on, but that is okay. James got to go skiing twice as well and had a great time. The last time we went skiing with my parents and that was a great day. We even all skiied down the face of Middle Bowl.

Also over Christmas break in Utah we went to Salt Lake City and saw the lights at temple square, it was beautiful. James got to go snow shoeing with Poppa, and other than that we just visited with family, trying to fit them all in. It is amazing how fast two weeks can go by when you are on vacation.

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