Friday, February 27, 2009

Trebuchet is such a cool name for a font, don't ya think? Anyway, tax season is in full swing for our household. It is something that affects everyone here, because the kids kinda lose their mom for 10 weeks. However, with mandatory furlows and layoffs at Carl's work, it is essential that tax season be a success for the family. We have really been battling walking pneumonia here as well. It started with Anna end of January, then James when I was in Utah, then Emma, now Mom. Carl has "kinda runny nose". So, it appears that he has evaded it once again. If you look at our expenses over the last month or so, it is mostly copays and trips to Walgreens. We are all tired of being sick. I think that we are mostly on the mend now, and I hope to catch up on tax returns, because I am seriously behind.

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