Saturday, March 28, 2009

We're going to GERMANY!

To use my friend Janell's expression, "We are choosing to not participate in the recession"

So, there is a website that is called travelzoo and it has some amazing travel deals. It is where we heard about going to Paris when we went a few years ago. I found flights to Greece for only $471 per person round trip, after taxes out of Columbus OH, which is only 2 hours from us. I was really excited about the Greece initially and trying to convince Carl, then I got stressed about it being the right decision and Carl started warming up to the idea. So, I was kinda leaving it to him for the final decision. So after discussing it for hours, Carl decided to go to Greece with all the kids, and so he said "do it", so I did. At first we were thinking of only me, Carl and James would go to Greece, but we weren't sure about that, then we decided we would all go, and stay together, although the girls most likely won't remember it at all, and are going to get whiny and complain that her feet hurt (guess which one). Then as we were on the phone with our Greek Uncle and the tickets were changing. We had to get earlier dates in May, we had to fly out of Columbus (2 hours away) at 6 am not noon and had a 7.5 hour layover in Kennedy not a 2 hour layover. But we were doing it, picked airplane seats, put in credit card and then just before I clicked "purchase and confirm" he said wait, lets go to Germany..... Which I had started to look at earlier in the day. So, we started looking at that and the tickets were less than Greece and we could fly out of Cincinnati! Cincinnati airport is 20 minutes from our house. So, for all 5 tickets we got it for $2200 approximately. Amazing! huh? I am so excited, I can hardly stand it, I started jumping up and down after it was done. OH, a final part of the purchase drama, when I was clicking on the Germany "purchase" button after I had picked seats and put in my cc info, it was supposed to go to a confirmation page and then it said "sorry there was an error on the website"! I was freaking out. It let me go back to the previous page and I tried it again, still an error. But then on the previous page, I noticed that you could call and purchase on the phone, so I did that and it gave me a confirmation number. So, there you go! That is the beginning of our Germany trip adventure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! I hope you guys have a great time!!!