Friday, September 5, 2008

September 2, 2007

Furious sewing has ENDED!! Yipee! Well, I have gotten Anna's dress done to the point of needing the zipper set, and the hem done! It is beautiful! Anna's was easier as I had already done Emma's. The sleeves, were very small, but not nearly as mystifying. They have a sleeve stay in them, for those of you that sew, and that is bizarre for me. The ending results are wonderful. Emma's dress is almost finalized by my friend Marie. She said it took an entire day just to set the hem. The satin is bridal satin, very heavy, and she said it is difficult to hand sew. Now, I really only have a few more preparations left for the big day this coming Saturday. I am having a friend make Anna's hair bows out of white satin. I will do her hair like these pictures, here, but with the white bows. I figure when those are in, it will look like she has a headband in. The necklace Anna has on here is one from when I was a little girl. My Uncle Mike sent it to me as a gift. So, it is very special and sentimental, as I remember wearing it. I bought some white lace while in Paris last year, and we are adorning the dresses at the top of the skirt with that. It is a very simple elegant piece of lace, and completely makes the dress. I have hired a professional photographer, I even found an LDS one locally, to take a family picture in front of the temple. In my old ward in Utah, our bishop adopted two boys from Kazakstan. They have a family picture, where everyone is dressed in white standing in front of the Ogden temple, after they were sealed. The picture is HUGE and amazing. So, that is really what I want. I would love to be in front of the Ogden temple, but if were didn't live here we wouldn't have gotten Anna...It will make it special to got to the temple in the future and know that is where our littlest one was sealed. James and Emma are going to be able to attend the sealing ceremony as well. James had to get a limited use temple recommend since he is over eight and has been baptized. A very special experience for everyone! Love to all!

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